Artory currently has over three million records of artworks stored in our registry, sourced from diligently vetted and trusted institutions. To manage such a wealth of information, Artory has developed the unique Object Matching Service (OMS) in order to identify potential duplicates in our database and to ensure that our records incorporate all available information about the events in the life of an artwork.
Our OMS system compares all artworks in the database against each other using a confidence level threshold, at which our system decides two artwork records are similar enough to warrant review. When artworks are below our confidence level, they are immediately defined as two separate artworks. On the other hand, in the instance that we are confident that two records refer to the same artwork, the records are pushed through to be analyzed and evaluated by a group of experts at Artory.
At Artory, we are commited to publishing only the most trusted and up-to-date information in the life of an artwork. Our OMS system guarantees that all available information is being utilized, strengthening provenance and increasing your confidence in the value of your art.